From the detail to the whole

Air-conditioning pipes from SMA help to make commercial vehicles more environmentally friendly and economical.

SMA Metalltechnik als Automobilzulierferer für Nutzfahrzeuge


The order of the day for all responsibly acting companies is to harmonise cost-effectiveness and increasing requirements with respect to sustainability and environmentally friendly commercial vehicle solutions. As a classic automotive supplier we are also facing up to this responsibility with sophisticated and innovative solutions. We are also contributing to that as specialists in air-conditioning pipes, compressed air pipes, water pipes and oil pipes.

Many trucks and other commercial vehicles are still equipped for the most part with refrigerant or heating pipes made of steel. What applies to cars also concerns commercial vehicle experts: high pressures of cost, from the development and manufacture through to the subsequent operation, and thus the requirement to reduce weight.

We at S.M.A. therefore work with lightweight but equally stable aluminium pipes. This way we save weight and help to reduce CO2 emissions.

The ideal solution in pipe manufacturing for construction machines and industrial products

SMA Metalltechnik als Automobilzulierferer für Nutzfahrzeuge

SMA Metalltechnik’s grown and globally acknowledged expertise in air-conditioning pipes, water pipes, compressed air pipes or oil pipes makes it the first port of call for developers and manufacturers from other branches of industry. In many industries, high-quality “bespoke” pipes are installed for the transport of liquid or gaseous media. Reliable function, cost-effectiveness and functioning integration into the respective production processes are the order of the day across all branches of industry. That’s why SMA also scores points in other industrial areas with impressive products and top quality.